A Law Office That Specializes in Criminal Law

Estonian Court
Radziwill Law Office Logo

Professional counsel is required when a person falls into the hands of state authorities, as his/her health, way of life, property, career and family relationships are jeopardized. Radziwill Law Office defends its clients from state pressure, unfounded accusations and restrictions of rights and freedoms.


Achievements by 2024

" The best strategy is often to terminate the case before it reaches the court "

Criminal charges dismissed or dropped (no court)145
Acquittals in court (LATEST: 1-22-3886, 1-22-2914, 1-20-8901, 1-20-3209)4
Appeals won in court (LATEST: 3-24-2302, 1-21-6578, 1-22-312, 1-23-2997)16
Judgments without punishment (LATEST: 4-24-319, 4-23-2637, 4-21-2655)15
Sentences below minimum (LATEST: 1-23-4454, 1-22-3127, 1-22-2677)4
Minimum sentences (LATEST: 1-23-7013, 1-23-3042, 1-22-7148)34
Enforcement of imprisonment prevented22
Extraditions prevented (incl. to USA)9
Releases on parole (LATEST: 1-19-5259, 1-21-7370, 1-21-6968)22


An attorney-client relationship is based on trust and the information received by the attorney is confidential.
Get in touch via Email, Phone, Skype, Whatsapp, Telegram or Signal if you want to discuss your situation discreetly.

Our PGP key for email encryption is F7EDC9E96F4C490CFF0A4D1D81F3D23A404542CA


Do you have questions about the prices?

Hourly Rate

150VAT included

  • The fee is charged per hour, or
  • Per one page of written text

Bank Account Nr

Advokaadibüroo Radziwill OÜ

IBAN: EE702200221069313148




Questions About Prices

Frequent Inquiries About the Costs

  • No. An attorney has an obligation to actively perform defense duties up until the end of each procedural stage (pretrial, negotiations, trial, appeal, cassation). For that reason, hiring an attorney just for a few hours is not possible.

    That being said, we can have a short consultation over Skype for 300 EUR.

  • Unless the case is exceptionally workload-intensive, this one-time advance payment should cover the entirety of pretrial proceedings and you won't need to pay anything else until the trial (if there is one at all). The sum covers interrogations, complaints, arrest / detention hearings, communication with the family, visits and negotiations.

    When the case is exceptionally workload-intensive, i.e. the case file exceeds 300 pages, the charge for familiarization with the materials of the case file is added (1 EUR for each page).

  • 3000 EUR in case there is an abridged (shortened) court trial without witnesses or experts.
    6000 EUR or more in case there is a full court trial with witnesses and experts.
    1500 EUR or 3000 EUR per appeal, depending on whether the case is exceptionally workload-intensive.
    3000 EUR for a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights.

  • Yes, if the case is dropped or a non-guilty verdict is reached in court, the Estonian state has the duty to reimburse attorney fees. The fees are also reimbursed for the victim if we achieve victory as his/her representative.

  • Yes, we offer our services to individuals as well as companies. Official invoices are issued for the purposes of keeping the correct accounting and returning the VAT (if applicable).

  • Yes, cash is an acceptable form of payment. Please note that like in the case of any other transaction, cash is officially declared in our accounting documents. Therefore, the total cash amount still has to include tax, and the sum is the same as it would be in the case of a bank transfer.

  • Yes, you can make direct transfers to our PayPal account yaroslav.law@gmail.com . Kindly note that the PayPal transfer fees have to be borne solely by the client.

  • No, we do not accept cryptocurrency, as it is not a legal tender in Estonia.

  • Not really, at least not in the traditional sense. An attorney has an obligation to actively perform defense duties until the end of each procedural stage (pretrial, negotiations, trial, appeal, cassation). For this reason, the full amount has to be paid in advance for each procedural stage and the total payment can only be divided along these lines.

  • No, there are no discounts and we do not organize price campaigns.

Yaroslav Radziwill (Esq.)



  • 2024 - Cambridge University, England (training: Forensic Science)
  • 2023 - Harvard University, USA (training: Bioethics Law)
  • 2014 - University of Warwick, England (PhD in Law)
  • 2011 - University of Aberdeen, Scotland (LLM in Law)
  • 2008 - University of Tartu, Estonia (BA in Law)

Short biography

Yaroslav Radziwill


  • Criminal law


  • Estonian Bar Association (EBA)
  • International Criminal Court (ICC)
  • European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA)

Working Languages

  • English
  • Estonian
  • Russian


  • Effectiveness
  • Orderliness
  • Determination
  • Brevity

Do you Need a Criminal Lawyer?

Although getting a defense attorney is recommended in the early stages of investigations, the assistance of a lawyer may be indispensable in any procedural action.

Harju County Court      Riigiteataja      Tallinn Detention Station

  • Strategy: An attorney gets acquainted with the situation, studies the case materials and forms far-reaching defense plans with the client.

    Correct Opening: A defense lawyer will provide counsel during interrogations and other legal proceedings. He will submit formal complaints regarding unlawful actions of state authorities, seeking their cessation in the early stages.

    Unlimited Access: In Estonia, even when a suspect is prohibited from communicating with other persons, defense lawyers can always visit them to resolve any legal issues that might arise.

    Support of Relatives and Friends: A lawyer can communicate with and answer questions of any relatives and loved ones, keeping them aware of what is happening and giving recommendations regarding calls, meetings and mail transfer.

    Media Coverage: With the client's approval, a defense attorney will give clear comments to the media, adjusting the degree of public resonance of a particular case in Estonia and abroad.

    Collecting Evidence: A defense attorney will collect and present evidence necessary for achieving the most favorable outcome in an ongoing case.

    Defense in Court: A lawyer will prepare and submit procedural documents and defend the rights and interests of his clients in courts of various instances.

  • The sooner a lawyer is involved, the better the chances. When it comes to communicating with Estonian authorities, a suspect's demeanor will determine the extent to which rights and freedoms will be limited. In the long run, the chances of a positive outcome of the case are directly affected. For this reason, one cannot hesitate and needs to get a lawyer involved immediately.

  • Immediate and effective assistance is attorney's top priority. You can expect to receive an answer to your inquiry in less than 24-hours, with the lawyer showing up the next day after an advance payment is made.

  • Yes, think of us as an emergency service (legal 911). Feel free to reach out any time, regardless of the date or time of the day.

  • We take all criminal and misdemeanor cases.

  • Yes, we do. The crime victims can also benefit from representation in pretrial proceedings and court.

  • In case you are worried that you may be accused of committing a crime, and an arrest or another procedural action is imminent, it makes sense to keep an attorney on a retainer. This means that the lawyer will be fully aware of your circumstances and prepared to step right in when you need effective and swift assistance.

  • In case of an unsatisfactory or unreasonable verdict, an attorney can demand a review in the courts of appeal, cassation or complain to the European Court of Human Rights, sometimes when the court judgment has already entered into force. Even if the trial is long over, a lawyer can still provide invaluable help and support, namely:
    1) An attorney significantly improves the chances of getting released on parole and probation (with or without subjection to electronic surveillance).
    2) In case of failure to comply with supervisory requirements of criminal oversight, a lawyer can fight the probation officer's complaints and help prevent the enforcement of the punishment.
    3) He can help postpone or avoid the enforcement of imprisonment.
    4) An attorney can ask the court for an early release of a client due to the state of his/her health, or
    5) Petition for clemency.

  • The present website is a good place to start.


Radziwill Law Office Ltd (Business Registry Code 14483290)

+372 56880132

Phone | Telegram | Whatsapp | Signal



Veerenni 29-9, Tallinn 10135 Estonia


Monday-Friday 08:00-16:00

Opening hours | Other times if prearranged

Advokaadibüroo Radziwill OÜ

Bank account number